[Get.REMd] Leadership as Emotional Labour Management and the 'Managed Heart' (Routledge Studies in Management Organizations and Society)
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Even if we don’t realise it, most of us are now familiar with the idea of ‘emotional labour’; that ‘service with a smile’ which everyone from cabin crew to restaurant or call centre staff is expected to give, irrespective of what they actually feel or think. This book considers the complex ways in which this need to show (or hide) particular emotions translates into job roles – specifically those of leaders or managers – where the relationships are lasting rather than transient, two-way rather than uni-directional and have complex, ongoing goals rather than straight-forward, one-off ones. The book contends that these differences contribute unique characteristics to the nature of the emotional labour required and expounds and explores this new genus within the ‘emotional labour’ species. The main theme of this book is the explication and exploration of emotional labour in the context of leadership and management. As such, it focuses both on how our understanding of emotional labour in this context enriches the original construct and where it deviates from it. By exploring these issues at the level of situated practices and the real world, real time experiences of leaders, the book seeks to make an innovative and nuanced contribution to our understanding of the emotional element within ‘leadership work’. unisa.ac.za ... the field of business management to focus on. Studies on the South ... management and leadership of academics. ... management) Labour relations ... Kurt Lewin and the Planned Approach to Change: A Re ... Abstract. abstract The work of Kurt Lewin dominated the theory and practice of change management for over 40 years. However in the past 20 years Lewin's approach to ... BibMe: Free Bibliography & Citation Maker - MLA APA ... Using other peoples research or ideas without giving them due credit is plagiarism. Since BibMe makes it easy to create citations build bibliographies and ... Columbia University - Discover the Networks Academic Freedom Policy Obligations and Responsibilities of Officers of Instruction and Research. The University is committed to maintaining a climate of academic ... Leadership Decision Making - home.ubalt.edu Decisions are the heart of success and at times there are critical moments when they can be difficult perplexing and nerve racking. This side provides useful and ... Complexity - Wikipedia Systems theory has long been concerned with the study of complex systems (in recent times complexity theory and complex systems have also been used as names of the ... Labour Party (UK) - Wikipedia Founding. The Labour Party originated in the late 19th century when it became apparent that there was a need for a new political party to represent the interests and ... Chapter 34 - Psychosocial and Organizational Factors Chapter 34 - Psychosocial and Organizational Factors PSYCHOSOCIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL FACTORS. Steven L. Sauter Joseph J. Hurrell Jr. Lawrence R. Murphy and Lennart Levi World Cities Summit World Cities Summit 2016 Liveable & Sustainable Cities: Innovative Cities of Opportunity. The World Cities Summit 2016 will explore how cities can better govern and ... Theoretical Perspectives on Gender and Development - ONDH Theoretical Perspectives on Gender and Development. Edited by Jane L. Parpart M. Patricia Connelly and V. Eudine Barriteau. Published by the International ...
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